最近在考虑买一套公寓,到了签otp的一步,对方发过来的otp里的specical conditons有这么一条 “For the avoidance of doubt, Clause 10.1 of “TheSingapore Law Society’s Conditons of Sale 2012″ shall not apply and theVendor makes no warranty or representations on the suitablility …”, 到网上查了一下这个Clause 10.1 是有利于买家的,大概意思是说如果卖家对房屋做了不合规的的改动,买家以后被追究可以追溯到卖家。现在otp里要把这条去除掉会不会有问题?咨询了一下律师又说很多人这么写,所以觉得有些奇怪想问问大家有没有注意过自己的otp里是否有这条,谢谢了!10.1. The Vendor represents and warrants to the Purchaser that the Vendor has not carried out any unauthorised additions or alterations to the Property