-宝宝还有专门的Medisave account-3000大元
Bigger baby bonus and Medisave grants under marriage and parenthood measures
Parents will soon be getting bigger baby cash gifts from the government under broad pro-family measures unveiled on Monday.
Those with Singapore citizen babies born on or after Aug 26 last year will get $6,000 as a baby bonus cash gift, up from $4,000 before. This applies to the first and second child.
For the third and fourth child, the cash gift will increase to $8,000 from $6,000.
The cash will also be given out more quickly, in three payments over a year, instead of four payments over 18 months previously.
Newborn citizens born on or after Aug 26 last year will also get a Medisave account with a grant of $3,000.
This is to help defray children’s healthcare expenses and will be paid in two instalments.
The first half will be paid out when the child’s birth is registered, and the remaining half in the subsequent year provided the child remains enrolled in MediShield.
Under the enhanced package, the government will also extend MediShield to cover newly diagnosed congenital and neonatal conditions. This takes effect from March 1 this year.真的吗?那再要老2估计就有更多BONUS了:)请看图详细解释:恩,可惜我家早2个月出生,不然也能享受了,等老二了是 新加坡国籍的小孩,父母就可以享受吧? 比如,PR父亲可以享受1周产假吗?
5.父亲享有一星期的陪产假,母亲也可额外割让一个星期产假给父亲。是 新加坡国籍的小孩,父母就可以享受吧? 比如,PR父亲可以享受1周产假吗?