最近 收到银行 letter, house loan 要refinance了,原先是OCBC, 求大家知道的最便宜的 house loan package ?REFINANCING 好 还是 re-price?谢谢这要看你也前的配套如何. MayBank 和中国银行,HSBC 比较好原先是OCBC, 1.68http://bbs.sgchinese.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=6211148&page=2&extra=#pid60522991
Mark and copy here for reference:jiang41777 发表于 3-1-2013 16:14
本人刚今天换银行贷款配套,maybank的3年固定1.15 ;1.35;1.45;之前的是DBS,我打电话DBS说手续费800不可以少,而且利率也很高1.68+。DBS对老客户很黑。他们知道你们不会跑的,因为现在换银行律师费都要自己付了,所以给老客户更新配套利率都会比较高。我不甘心,所以我问了很多银行,最后找maybank 他们的利率低很多而且,这个maybank经理给我找到的律师费只要1600包到完,问了很多律师费都2000~2500,有些还要加500的印花税。黑呀!我和大家分享我做refinance的经历。
hp:83883795茶犬欢欢 发表于 15-1-2013 19:36
1-3 年:1.05%+1M SIBOR
Thereafter :1.25%+1M SIBOR
1M SIBOR ~0.31%
欢迎咨询 86133365花香鸟语 发表于 15-1-2013 21:06
一个朋友刚refinance换了银行,他说CIMB利率最低,零点几建议re-price,律师费太高,refinance优惠的钱都给律师了。re-price options, OCBC, package as follows (as of today 28/01/2013)
1. 3 yeR FLOATING OCBC internal rate as base
1ST YEAR 1.18
2ND YEAR 1.48
3RD YEAR 1.78
thereafter 3.75
2. 2 yeR FLOATING OCBC internal rate as base
1ST YEAR 1.28
2ND YEAR 1.68
thereafter 3.75
3. fix 2y
1ST YEAR 1.58
2ND YEAR 1.88
thereafter 3.75
admin fee SGD 500sibor 配套呢?
sibor 会便宜很多的 96333 发表于 28-1-2013 13:11
sibor 配套呢?
sibor 会便宜很多的
sibor change very fast, so didn’t take it , this is like something between sibor and fixagree, here is maybank offer:
Package 1
Attached are the features of the 2 years variable rate loan package:
1st year 0.98% (SRFR – 2.77%)
2nd year 1.48% (SRFR – 2.27%)
3rd year 1.88% (SRFR – 1.87%)
4th – 5th year 2.60% (SRFR – 1.15%)
Thereafter 3.25% (SRFR – 0.50%)
· Lock-in period is 2 years from loan disbursement.
· 1.5% penalty within locked-in period
· Minimum Loan $100K
Package 2
Attached are the features of the 2 years fixed rate loan package:
1st year 1.25% Fixed
2nd year 1.35% Fixed
3rd – 5th year 2.6% (SRFR – 1.15%)
Thereafter 3.25% (SRFR – 0.50%)
· Lock-in period is 2 years from loan disbursement.
· 1.5% penalty within locked-in period
· Minimum Loan $100K
Package 3
Attached are the features of the 3 years fixed rate loan package:
1st year 1.15% Fixed
2nd year 1.35% Fixed
3rd year 1.45% Fixed
4th – 5th year 2.6% (SRFR – 1.15%)
Thereafter 3.25% (SRFR – 0.50%)
· Lock-in period is 3 years from loan disbursement.
· 1.5% penalty within locked-in period
· Minimum Loan $100K
Package 4
Attached are the features of the 2 years SIBOR loan package:
1st year 0.75% + 3M SIBOR
2nd year 0.90% + 3M SIBOR
Thereafter 1.25% + 3M SIBOR
· Lock-in period is 2 years from loan disbursement.
· 1.5% penalty within locked-in period
· Minimum Loan $100K
Package 5
Attached are the features of the 1 years SIBOR loan package:
1st year 0.85% + 3M SIBOR
2nd year 0.95% + 3M SIBOR
Thereafter 1.25% + 3M SIBOR
· Lock-in period is 1 years from loan disbursement.
· 1.5% penalty within locked-in period
· Minimum Loan $100K
There will be a legal fees of $2200 to be paid by the customer to transferring from other bank to Maybank.
Additional cost: 2200+200 (valuation) = 2400
minus re-price 500: 2400-500 = 1900
for 3 year, each year 630
All gaining goes to the lawyer, an lot of other admin/time costs by myself