Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rebate ($1.3 billion over 3 years)To help companies alleviate rising business costs over the medium-term, a three-year CIT rebate of 30% capped at $30,000 per Year of Assessment (“YA”) from YA 2013 to YA 2015 will be given.
企业税连续3年会有30%的rebate,这个貌似对公司来说是个很大的利好。Wage Credit Scheme (WCS) ($3.6 billion over 3 years)
Under the WCS, the Government will co-fund 40% of wage increases given to Singaporean employees earning a gross monthly wage2 of up to $4,000. Wage increases that are given in 2013 to 2015 will be eligible for WCS.
Eligible employers will receive a payout automatically annually. The first payout will be in the second quarter of 2014, and the last payout will be in 2016.Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) Bonus ($450 million over 3 years)
Businesses3 that incur a minimum of $5,000 in PIC qualifying expenditure per year will enjoy a dollar-for-dollar matching cash bonus of up to $15,000 over three Years of Assessment (YA2013 to YA2015). The PIC Bonus seeks to support businesses in the costs they incur for improvement in productivity and innovation.
This is in addition to existing PIC benefits of:
400% PIC tax deductions of up to $400,000 in qualifying expenditure for each PIC activity; or
In-lieu of tax deductions, cash conversion of 60% on qualifying expenditure of up to $100,000.听我老公喜滋滋的描述,最好的的政策是,提高100块钱薪水给公民,政府给出40块,提1000块一个月,政府出400块。3万的cap对SME有利。这个对公司来说是挺好的。
政府煞费一番苦心呢这个只对四千一下月薪的有效就是,3万对大企业真的算毛题目改了吧还有个政策是“减少外劳dependancy ratio和增加外劳人头税”,以上几个政策只是辅助罢了。对于外劳众多的制造型企业,成本可能还是增加的。都逼中小企业关门了,哪有利好,调高外劳税,降低配额,提高sp的工资,样样都是提高成本。本来限制外劳的政策就是打击SME。所以打一巴掌给一个甜枣?具体是巴掌更响,还是红枣更甜呢?
另外,打击SME对政府没任何好处吧,争取选票才是真。如果不倒闭, 那是没有觉察到的, 或不想觉察到的.