
新加坡钓点大全 – 持续更新

收集了一些钓点.分享下,欢迎大家补充,  希望顶置

Saltwater Spots 海水

East Coast Park Stretch of Beaches and Breakwate
East Coast Park Bedok Jetty(Carpark F)

East Coast Park Six Pipes(Carpark H)
East Coast Park Four Pipes(Carpark D)
Changi Carparks 1-7
Changi Boardwalk
Changi SAF Beach Chalets Beach
Changi Hyundai Area
Changi Point Jetty Mangroves
Pulau Ubin(全岛)
Coney Island
St John’s Island
Sisters’ Island
Kusu Island
Pulau Hantu
Pulau Semakau
Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal

Tanah Merah – SAFYC Breakers
Tanah Merah Canal
Punggol Jetty and Beach

Punggol 17th Avenue
Pasir Ris Sungei Api Api
Pasir Ris Beach
Pasir Ris Camp Beach
Lorong Halus Beach and Charcoal Factory
Sembawang Beach and Park

Yishun ITE Drain
Yishun Dam 位置不好

Admiralty West Beach
Senoko End Beach
Kranji Dam Beach
Kranji Dam Mangroves
Lim Chu Kang Road End Jetty

Lim Chu Kang Road Police Coast Guard Breakers
West Coast Park(8个点)

Woodlands Waterfront

Tuas Basin, Tuas Breakers
Labrador Park and Jetty

Freshwater Spots(Legal) 淡水(合法)
Upper Seletar Reservoir

Lower Seletar Reservoir

Lower Peirce Reservoir

Kranji Reservoir

Bedok Reservoir

Macritchie Reservoir

Punggol Park 这个不确定

Jurong Lake

Serangoon Reservoir

Marina Reservoir

Pandan Reservoir

Fishing at Pay Ponds 付费的
Pasir Ris Pond

Lakeside fishing Village(Lakeside Fishing Village, 9 Japanese Garden Road 619228) 可能关掉了. 知道的通知下

Punggol Fishing Pond

日钓 6am-11:59pm1小时 30元3小时 60元6小时 100元加时   20元/1小时夜钓 12am-6am 60元

Bottle Tree Park(Bottle Tree Park, 81 Lorong Chencharu 769198)
Fishing Paradise
24 hrs
81 Lorong Chencaru
Bottle Tree Park
Singapore 769198
Restaurant: 6759-7077
Office: 6759-5771

钓放主鱼塘1小时 25元2小时 35元12小时 55元9pm-3am 45元

FarMart Pond(Farmart Centre, 67 Sungei Tengah Road 699008) 好像是钓虾

East Coast Prawwing (Sports Planet, 1020 East Coast Parkway 449878)

1 Pasir Ris Drive 1Singapore, 510001Tel: 65-6584447924hrs

Pasir Ris Farmway 3 (Iwarna Pasir Ris FW3 Catch and Release)(海水,淡水)http://www.iwarnafw3.com/No. 70 Pasir Ris Farmway 3Singapore 518234收费:3 小时 $20, 12 小时 $30营业时间: 周日 7am – 7pm , 周末跟公共假期 24 hours
Pasir Ris Farmway 3 Saltwater Paypond – Ed’s Pond)No. 70 Pasir Ris Farmway 3Singapore 518234收费:3 小时 $50营业时间: 24 Hrs a day, 7 days a week.
Pasir Ris Farmway 1 (Saltwater) Ah Tiong PondNo. 11 Pasir Ris Farmway 124 hrs but pls check
Pasir Ris Farmway 1 (Saltwater) Dave’s KBL and KIM CNR PondNo. 2 Pasir Ris Farmway 1 S 519353
Auntie Pond (Saltwater)(Private Pond) and GT PondAddress: 291 Neotiew Crescent. Hausman AquariumSingapore 718903营业时间: 8am – 12MnTel: 67923695
Punggol Auntie Pond (Saltwater) and Punggol Auntie CNR PondAddress:Make a turn right before Punggol End Jetty and go all the way inTel: 91761271营业时间:周日 8am to 12am. 周末 24 hrs.
Punggol Marina Paypond @ Swimming PoolFishpal @ Punggol Marina600 Punggol Seventeen Avenue S829734营业时间:24 hrs 收费:3 hours – S$50/-

Jurong Hill Prawn Fishing
地址: 241, Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim (near Jurong Bird Park), The Village
Website: http://haibin.com.sg/
Singapore 629143
Tel: 6265 2598

Hai Bin P Prawning at Promenade Riverside Walk
收费: 3 hrs $30. 也有5元一个竿勾鱼的.
地址: 6 Tebing Lane
Singapore 828835
Tel: 64478693

Bottle Tree Park (Fishing Paradise)
地址:81 Lorong Chencharu
#01-01 Bottle Tree Park
Tel: 6759 7077
9am-2am 收费: 1小时 15元, 2.5小时 30元  (收费贵,也超难钓)

Farm Mart Prawning
地址:67 Sungei Tengah Rd , Singapore (699008)
Tel : 65 6767 0070 Fax: 65 6767 4756
Email: [email protected]
收费:1小时 15元 , 2小时 25元

D Kranji Resort
D’Kranji Farm
地址:10, Neo Tiew Lane 2
Singapore 718813
Tel : +65 6862 9717

Pasir Ris Farmway 3 (Iwarna)
地址:No. 70 Pasir Ris Farmway 3
Singapore 518234
营业时间: 24 Hrs a day, 7 days a week.

Pasir Ris Farmway Prawn Fishing
地址: Pasir Ris Park Industrial Coast Park 2

Pasir Ris Park Prawning Pond
地址:1 Pasir Ris Drive 1, Pasir Ris Park
Tel: 65-65844479

Punggol Prawning
地址: Marina Country Club, 600 Punggol Seventeenth Avenue
营业时间s: 周末24小时
Tel: 63101012

Badminton Hall Prawning At Geylang
地址: 100 Guillemard Road, #01-13, sgchinese99718
Tel: 91827217/6345 42337217 +65 6345 4233

East Coast Prawning
地址: 1020 East Coast Parkway, Singapore 449878
营业时间: 24/7
Tel: 6227 3330
Website: http://eastcoastprawning.blogspot.com/
收费:钓虾/每杆:  1小时 18元,  2小时 28元,  3小时 33元, 加时 10元/1小时 (买了3小时之后)
钓鱼:5元/每杆  没有时间限制,掉到鱼线断掉,但是不能用鱼饵。


理我家进的只有Lakeside fishing Village。。。。。谁去过这家?怎么收费的?鱼竿鱼饵都要自带么?网上查不到相关资料-。-|||

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应该置顶! good article

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