PR 的话可以直接联系教育部(MOE) 发邮件都可以, 告诉你们计划或者居住的地方, 教育部会给你们联系有空额的学校,然后参加学校的考试决定读几年级! 英语不好的话有可能会降级, 但比外国学生有很大的优先权!
Who are Returning Singaporeans?
Returning Singaporean children refers to children who are Singapore Citizens (SC) or Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) who are living and studying overseas and are currently not attending local schools.
Returning Singaporean Children include:
Children who are going overseas to live and study.Children who are currently living and studying overseasChildren who are returning home having lived and studied overseas
Why does MOE help Returning Singaporeans?
In support of Singapore’s regionalisation efforts, Ministry of Education (MOE) is committed to assisting all Returning Singaporeans to benefit from our education system. In this regard, we provide a comprehensive suite of services to Singaporeans who are going overseas, Singaporeans who are coming home, as well as children who are new Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents who are not attending our local schools.
How does MOE help Returning Singaporeans?
The services available for Returning Singaporeans are summarised in the table below. Click on the respective links for more details.
MOE Services for Returning SingaporeansSingaporeans Going Overseas
Leave of Absence SchemeSingaporeans planning to go overseas for work or related concerns may reserve school places for their children in their current schools under this scheme. The children can be readmitted directly to their schools when they return.
Boarding Awards SchemeThis scheme offers Singaporean Citizens the benefits of a Singapore education while living in hostels in Singapore whilst their parents are working or living overseas. MOE will help to place applicants into school-based hostels and pay for 50% or 100% of the hostel boarding fees.
Singaporeans Currently OverseasPrimary One RegistrationParents with Returning Singaporean children who are due to enter Primary One are encouraged to register their children while abroad during the Primary One Registration Exercise (usually held from July to September). Overseas Singaporean children enjoy the same priority as their counterparts residing in Singapore.
Immersion ProgrammeThis programme allows Singaporean pupils to attend classes for a stipulated period to get a feel of school life in Singapore and helps in easing their re-entry to the system.
Singaporeans Returning HomeSchool AdmissionIn recognition of the different needs of returning Singaporeans, MOE has provided several options for school admission. Returning Singaporeans can choose one or more options based on their individual needs. For example, Returning Singaporeans who have a strong preference for a school of choice may choose to approach the school directly to seek admission, or also apply to MOE for assistance for placement into the school.
Contact Information
For enquiries on MOE Services for Returning Singaporeans, please contact us at:
Customer Service Centre
Ground Floor, Podium Block
Ministry of Education, Singapore
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675
Tel: +65 68722220
Fax: +65 67754487 / +65 67768616
Email: [email protected]
Returning Singaporeans Returning SingaporeansSingaporeans Returning Home
Primary School Placement — Frequently Asked Questions
General Information Mother Tongue PolicySchooling Services for Returning Singaporean Children Brochure (1.47mb .pdf)Foreign System Schools
Application Forms Application Form for Primary One RegistrationOnline Application for School Placement (Primary and Secondary)Online Application for Boarding AwardsApplication form for Leave of Absence Scheme
MOE已经明确说明了Returning Singaporean转学的两种方式:
1. 向MOE提交申请,MOE就近安排学校。
2. 家长自己去心仪的学校申请。
淡宾尼 – Pasir Ris Primary School
巴西立 – Gongshang Primary School, St. Hilda’s Primary School, Tampines Primary School。
淡宾尼的Poi Ching School也不错,但近几年PSLE成绩明显不及以前。