
NTUC-INCOME vivolife -30种重大疾病的中文翻译


跟大家分享一下 NTUC-INCOME 30种重大疾病的中英文对照。

1 Major CancersA malignant tumour characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells with invasion and destruction of normal tissue. This diagnosis must be supported by histological evidence of malignancy and confirmed by an oncologist or pathologist.The following are excluded:• Tumours showing the malignant changes of carcinoma-in-situ and tumours which are histological described as pre-malignant or non-invasive, including, but not limited to: Carcinoma-in-Situ of the Breasts, Cervical Dysplasia CIN-1, CIN-2 and CIN-3;• Hyperkeratosis, basal cell and squamous skin cancers, and melanomas of less than 1.5mm Breslow thickness, or less than Clark Level 3, unless there is evidence of metastases;• Prostate cancers histologically described as TNM Classification T1a or T1b or Prostate cancers of another equivalent or lesser classification, T1N0M0 Papillary micro-carcinoma of the Thyroid less than 1 cm in diameter, Papillary micro-carcinoma of the Bladder, and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia less than RAI Stage 3; and• All tumours in the presence of HIV infection. 1, 主要癌症 一种不可控制生长和传播的恶性肿瘤, 带有入侵和破坏正常的身体组织. 这个诊断必需合乎恶性肿瘤的组织学证据,还有肿瘤科学家或病理学家的确认. 以下是不包括在里面:肿瘤原位癌和癌前非侵入性的,包括但不限于描述组织的肿瘤的恶性变化:乳房癌,宫颈细胞病变CIN1,CIN的原位2和CIN-3; 角化,基底细胞和鳞状皮肤癌,黑色素瘤比的小于1.5毫米Breslow厚度,或小于Clark Level 3,除非有证据转移 前列腺癌组织学描述为TNM分类T1A或T1b期前列腺癌或另一个同等或更低的分类,T1N0M0乳头状甲状腺微小癌直径小于1厘米,膀胱的微乳头状癌,慢性淋巴细胞白血病不到放射性碘第3阶段 在感染艾滋病毒的存在,所有肿瘤 2 Heart AttackDeath of a portion of the heart muscle arising from inadequate blood supply to the relevant area. This diagnosis must be supported by three or more of the following five criteria which are consistent with a new heart attack:• History of typical chest pain;• New electrocardiogram (ECG) changes proving infarction;• Diagnostic elevation of cardiac enzyme CK-MB;• Diagnostic elevation of Troponin (T or I);• Left ventricular ejection fraction less than 50% measured 3 months or more after the event. 2,心脏病发作部分死亡心脏肌肉因供血不足所引起的相关部分。这个诊断必须有以下至少3个条件:典型的胸痛史新的心电图(ECG)的变化证明梗死心肌酶CK-MB的诊断升高诊断肌钙蛋白(T或I)升高左心室射血分数小于50%的测量,事发后3个月以上的测量。 3 StrokeA cerebrovascular incident including infarction of brain tissue, cerebral and subarachnoid haemorrhage, cerebral embolism and cerebral thrombosis. This diagnosis must be supported by all of the following conditions:• Evidence of permanent neurological damage confirmed by a neurologist at least 6 weeks after the event; and• Findings on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computerised Tomography, or other reliable imaging techniques consistent with the diagnosis of a new stroke.The following are excluded:• Transient Ischaemic Attacks;• Brain damage due to an accident or injury, infection, vasculitis, and inflammatory disease;• Vascular disease affecting the eye or optic nerve; and• Ischaemic disorders of the vestibular system. 3,中风脑血管意外,包括脑组织梗死,脑蛛网膜下腔出血,脑栓塞,脑血栓。有以下条件:永久性神经损害事件至少6周后由神经科医师确认的证据结果要和MRI ,CT SCAN 或者其它可靠成像技术,要一致。但是以下几种情况除外:短暂性脑缺血发作因意外或受伤,感染,血管炎,炎症性疾病的脑损伤影响眼睛或视神经血管疾病缺血性疾病的前庭系统 4 Coronary Artery By-pass SurgeryThe actual undergoing of open-chest surgery to correct the narrowing or blockage of one or more coronary arteries with bypass grafts. This diagnosis must be supported by angiographic evidence of significant coronary artery obstruction and the procedure must be considered medically necessary by a consultant cardiologist.Angioplasty and all other intra arterial, catheter based techniques, ‘keyhole’ or laser procedures are excluded. 4, 冠状动脉旁路手术接受开胸手术,以纠正搭桥的一个或多个冠状动脉狭窄或堵塞. 这一诊断必须要有心脏科医师的咨询和医疗报告,说明有显著冠状动脉阻塞和程序。血管成形术和所有其他动脉内,导管为基础的技术,“锁孔”或激光手术被排除。 5 Kidney FailureChronic irreversible failure of both kidneys requiring either permanent renal dialysis or kidney transplantation. 5,肾功能衰竭两个肾脏慢性不可逆转的破坏,要求无论是永久性的肾透析或肾移植 6 Aplastic AnaemiaChronic persistent bone marrow failure which results in anaemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia requiring treatment with at least one of the following:• Blood product transfusion;• Marrow stimulating agents;• Immunosuppressive agents; or• Bone marrow transplantation.The diagnosis must be confirmed by a haematologist. 6,再生障碍性贫血慢性迁延性骨髓衰竭导致贫血,中性粒细胞和血小板减少症需要治疗的以下其中一种情况:输血/骨髓刺激剂/免疫抑制剂骨髓移植必需由血液学家确诊。 7 Blindness (Loss of Sight)Total and irreversible loss of sight in both eyes as a result of illness or accident. The blindness must be confirmed by an ophthalmologist.7,失明完全不可逆转的因疾病或意外事故而失去双眼的视线,必须由眼科医生确诊。 8 End Stage Lung DiseaseEnd stage lung disease, causing chronic respiratory failure. This diagnosis must be supported by evidence of all of the following:• FEV1 test results which are consistently less than 1 litre;• Permanent supplementary oxygen therapy for hypoxemia;• Arterial blood gas analyses with partial oxygen pressures of 55mmHg or less (PaO2 = 55mmHg); and• Dyspnea at rest.The diagnosis must be confirmed by a respiratory physician.8,末期肺病末期肺病导致长期的呼吸系统衰竭。 必须有以下证据:FEV1的测试结果始终小于1升永久补充为低氧血症的氧疗动脉血气分析氧分压55mmHg或以下(氧分压=55mmHg)压力休息时都呼吸困难而且需要呼吸科专家确诊。 9 End Stage Liver FailureEnd stage liver failure as evidenced by all of the following:• Permanent jaundice;• Ascites; and• Hepatic encephalopathy.Liver disease secondary to alcohol or drug abuse is excluded. 9,终末期肝功能衰竭以下证明终末期肝功能衰竭:常驻黄疸腹水肝性脑病酗酒或药物滥用而导致的肝病派除在外。 10 ComaA coma that persists for at least 96 hours. This diagnosis must be supported by evidence of all of the following:• No response to external stimuli for at least 96 hours;• Life support measures are necessary to sustain life; and• Brain damage resulting in permanent neurological deficit which must be assessed at least 30 days after the onset of the coma.Coma resulting directly from alcohol or drug abuse is excluded. 10,昏迷昏迷至少96个小时以上。必须有以下所有条件:没有对外界刺激的反应至少96小时有维持生命所必需的生命支持措施脑损伤,导致永久性神经功能缺损,必须至少30天评估后昏迷的发病昏迷因酗酒或滥用药物直接被排除 11 Deafness (Loss of Hearing)Total and irreversible loss of hearing in both ears as a result of illness or accident. This diagnosis must be supported by audiometric and sound-threshold tests provided and certified by an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist.Total means “the loss of at least 80 decibels in all frequencies of hearing”. 11,耳聋(听力丧失)完全不可逆转的因为疾病或意外而导致的两个耳朵听力损失,必须由专家认证的听力和声音阈值测试。耳,鼻,喉(耳鼻喉科)专家认证。在所有频率的听力损失至少有80分贝。 12 Heart Valve SurgeryThe actual undergoing of open-heart surgery to replace or repair heart valve abnormalities. The diagnosis of heart valve abnormality must be supported by cardiac catheterization or echocardiogram and the procedure must be considered medically necessary by a consultant cardiologist. 12,心脏瓣膜手术心脏直视手术取代或修复心脏瓣膜异常。心导管检查或超声心动图 和程序,由心脏科医生确诊。 13 Loss of SpeechTotal and irrecoverable loss of the ability to speak as a result of injury or disease to the vocal cords. The inability to speak must be established for a continuous period of 12 months. This diagnosis must be supported by medical evidence furnished by an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist.All psychiatric related causes are excluded. 13,失语完全和无法挽回的损失的能力说话声带因损伤或疾病的结果。必须持续12个月。由耳鼻喉专科医生确诊。所有精神科有关的原因被排除在外。 14 Major BurnsThird degree (full thickness of the skin) burns covering at least 20% of the surface of the Insured’s body. 14,大面积烧伤三度(全层皮肤)覆盖至少20%的被保人的身体表面烧伤。 15 Major Organ /Bone Marrow TransplantationThe receipt of a transplant of:• Human bone marrow using haematopoietic stem cells preceded by total bone marrow ablation; or• One of the following human organs: heart, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas that resulted from irreversible end stage failure of the relevant organ.Other stem cell transplants are excluded. 15,主要器官/骨髓移植 接受移植者:•人体骨髓造血干细胞之前,总骨髓消融;心脏,肺,肝,肾,胰腺,导致不可逆转的结束阶段,有关机关的失败:•下面的人体器官之一。其他干细胞移植被排除在外。 16 Multiple SclerosisThe definite occurrence of Multiple Sclerosis. The diagnosis must be supported by all of the following:• Investigations which unequivocally confirm the diagnosis to be Multiple Sclerosis;• Multiple neurological deficits which occurred over a continuous period of at least 6 months; and• Well documented history of exacerbations and remissions of said symptoms or neurological deficits.Other causes of neurological damage such as SLE and HIV are excluded.16,多发性硬化症明确多发性硬化的发生,确诊必须由以下几条:调查明确确诊是多发性硬化症​​至少6个月的多种神经功能缺损有据可查的加重和缓解的症状或神经功能障碍SLE患者和艾滋病毒的神经损伤 除外。 17 Muscular DystrophyA group of hereditary degenerative diseases of muscle characterised by weakness and atrophy of muscle.The diagnosis of muscular dystrophy must be unequivocal and made by a consultant neurologist. The condition must result in the inability of the Insured to perform (whether aided or unaided) at least 3 of the following 6 “Activities of Daily Living” for a continuous period of at least 6 months:Activities of Daily Living:(i) Washing – the ability to wash in the bath or shower (including getting into and out of the bath or shower) or wash satisfactorily by other means;(ii) Dressing – the ability to put on, take off, secure and unfasten all garments and, as appropriate, any braces, artificial limbs or other surgical appliances;(iii) Transferring – ability to move from a bed to an upright chair or wheelchair and vice versa;(iv) Mobility – the ability to move indoors from room to room on level surfaces;(v) Toileting – the ability to use the lavatory or otherwise manage bowel and bladder functions so as to maintain a satisfactory level of personal hygiene;(vi) Feeding – the ability to feed oneself once food has been prepared and made available. 17,肌营养不良症一组遗传性肌肉萎缩性疾病的特点,无力和肌肉萎缩。肌营养不良症的诊断必须明确和顾问神经学家。条件必须导致投保人无法执行(不论是帮助或不帮)至少有以下6个“日常生活活动”得至少6个月的连续3:日常生活活动:(一)洗澡 –(二)衣着 –(三)转移 – (四)移动 –(五)如厕 –(六)吃饭 18 Paralysis (Loss of Use of Limbs)Total and irreversible loss of use of at least 2 entire limbs due to injury or disease. This condition must beconfirmed by a consultant neurologist.Self-inflicted injuries are excluded. 18,肢体瘫痪完全和不可逆转的损失至少2个肢体,因为受伤或疾病。必须由神经科医生确诊。自残是不包括在内的。 19 Parkinson’s DiseaseThe unequivocal diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease by a consultant neurologist. This diagnosis must be supported by all of the following conditions:• The disease cannot be controlled with medication;• Signs of progressive impairment; and• Inability of the Insured to perform (whether aided or unaided) at least 3 of the following 6 “Activities of  Daily Living” for a continuous period of at least 6 months:Activities of Daily Living:(i) Washing – the ability to wash in the bath or shower (including getting into and out of the bath or shower) or wash satisfactorily by other means;(ii) Dressing – the ability to put on, take off, secure and unfasten all garments and, as appropriate, any braces, artificial limbs or other surgical appliances;(iii) Transferring – ability to move from a bed to an upright chair or wheelchair and vice versa;(iv) Mobility – the ability to move indoors from room to room on level surfaces;(v) Toileting – the ability to use the lavatory or otherwise manage bowel and bladder functions so as to maintain a satisfactory level of personal hygiene;(vi) Feeding – the ability to feed oneself once food has been prepared and made available.Drug-induced or toxic causes of Parkinsonism are excluded. 19,帕金森氏病必须由神经科医生确诊,然后符合以下条件:不可以用药物控制,退步的迹象,不可以连续6个月执行6种生活习惯中的任何3中情况。洗或冲凉衣着转移移动如厕吃东西 20 Surgery to AortaThe actual undergoing of major surgery to repair or correct an aneurysm, narrowing, obstruction or dissection of the aorta through surgical opening of the chest or abdomen. For the purpose of this definition aorta shall mean the thoracic and abdominal aorta but not its branches.Surgery performed using only minimally invasive or intra arterial techniques are excluded. 20,主动脉手术大手术,修复或改正的主动脉瘤,狭窄,阻塞或通过胸部或腹部手术开幕夹层。主动脉指胸,腹主动脉,但不是分支机构。进行手术采用微创或动脉内的技术,被排除在外。 21 Alzheimer’s Disease / Severe DementiaDeterioration or loss of intellectual capacity as confirmed by clinical evaluation and imaging tests, arising from Alzheimer’s disease or irreversible organic disorders, resulting in significant reduction in mental and social functioning requiring the continuous supervision of the Insured. This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical confirmation of an appropriate consultant and supported by our appointed doctor.The following are excluded:• Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses; and• Alcohol related brain damage. 21,阿尔茨海默氏病/重度痴呆智力能力的退化或损失,由临床评估和影像学检查证实,阿尔茨海默氏症或不可逆的器质性障碍,心理和社会功能显著减少因要求被保险人的持续督导。由医师我们指定的医生确诊:神经症和精神病,酒精相关的脑损伤 除外。 22 Fulminant HepatitisA submassive to massive necrosis of the liver by the Hepatitis virus, leading precipitously to liver failure. This diagnosis must be supported by all of the following:• Rapid decreasing of liver size;• Necrosis involving entire lobules, leaving only a collapsed reticular framework;• Rapid deterioration of liver function tests;• Deepening jaundice; and• Hepatic encephalopathy. 22,暴发性肝炎由肝炎病毒顺从大量坏死,肝,导致肝功能衰竭的急剧:快速降低肝脏大小涉及整个小叶坏死,只留下一个倒塌的网状框架迅速恶化的肝功能试验黄疸加深;肝性脑病 23 Motor Neurone DiseaseMotor neurone disease characterised by progressive degeneration of corticospinal tracts and anterior horn cells or bulbar efferent neurones which include spinal muscular atrophy, progressive bulbar palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and primary lateral sclerosis. This diagnosis must be confirmed by a neurologist as progressive and resulting in permanent neurological deficit. 23,运动神经元疾病运动神经元疾病的特点是皮质脊髓束和前角细胞或延髓传出神经神经元,其中包括脊髓性肌萎缩,进行性延髓麻痹,肌萎缩性侧索硬化症和原发性侧索硬化症的逐步退化。由神经学专家确诊。 24 Primary Pulmonary HypertensionPrimary Pulmonary Hypertension with substantial right ventricular enlargement confirmed by investigations including cardiac catheterisation, resulting in permanent physical impairment of at least Class IV of the New York Heart Association (NYHA) Classification of Cardiac Impairment.The NYHA Classification of Cardiac Impairment (Source: “Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment – 39th Edition”):Class I: No limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue fatigue,  dyspnea, or anginal pain.Class II: Slight limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity results in symptoms.Class III: Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but less than ordinary activity causes symptoms.Class IV: Unable to engage in any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms may be present even at rest. 24,原发性肺动脉高压大量的右心室扩大,包括​​心脏导管,导致纽约心脏协会(NYHA)心脏损伤的分类至少IV类永久性身体损伤的调查证实的原发性肺动脉高压。心脏损伤的心功能分级(来源:“当代医学诊断与治疗 – 第39版”):I级:体力活动不限制。普通的体力活动不引起过分疲劳,呼吸困难或心绞痛。II级:轻微体力活动的限制。普通症状体力活动的结果。第三类:限制体力活动的标记。舒适的休息,但小于普通的活动的原因症状。IV级:无法进行任何体力活动无不适。症状可能存在,甚至在休息。 25 Terminal IllnessThe conclusive diagnosis of an illness that is expected to result in the death of the Insured within 12 months. This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist and confirmed by our appointed doctor.Terminal illness in the presence of HIV infection is excluded. 25,不治之证预计12个月内,被保险人死亡导致的疾病的确凿诊断存在艾滋病毒感染的疾病被排除在外。 26 HIV Due to Blood Transfusion and Occupationally Acquired HIV(A) Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) through a blood transfusion, provided that all of the following conditions are met:• The blood transfusion was medically necessary or given as part of a medical treatment;• The blood transfusion was received in Singapore after the Issue Date, Date of endorsement or Date of reinstatement of this Policy, whichever is the later;• The source of the infection is established to be from the Institution that provided the blood transfusion and the Institution is able to trace the origin of the HIV tainted blood; and• The Insured does not suffer from Thalassaemia Major or Haemophilia.(B) Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which resulted from an accident occurring after the Issue Date, date of endorsement or date of reinstatement of this Policy, whichever is the later whilst the Insured was carrying out the normal professional duties of his or her occupation in Singapore, provided that all of the following are proven to our satisfaction:• Proof of the accident giving rise to the infection must be reported to us within 30 day of the accident taking place;• Proof that the accident involved a definite source of the HIV infected fluids;• Proof of sero-conversion from HIV negative to HIV positive occurring during the 180 days after the documented accident. This proof must include a negative HIV antibody test conducted within 5 days of the accident; and• HIV infection resulting from any other means including sexual activity and the use of intravenous drugs is excluded.This benefit is only payable when the occupation of the Insured is a medical practitioner, housemen, medical student, state registered nurse, medical laboratory technician, dentist (surgeon and nurse) or paramedical worker, working in medical centre or clinic (in Singapore).This benefit will not apply under either section (A) or (B) where a cure has become available prior to the infection. “Cure” means any treatment that renders the HIV inactive or non-infectious. 26,艾滋病毒由于输血和职业获得艾滋病毒(一)与人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的通过输血感染,提供满足所有下列条件:输血是必要的医疗或医疗待遇的一部分;•在新加坡接受输血后,发行日期,日期认可或本政策复职日期,以较迟者为准;感染源成立的机构提供的输血和机构能够追踪艾滋病毒污染的血液来源;被保险人未患地中海贫血主要或血友病。(B)与感染人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),导致从发行日期后发生的事故,恢复这一政策的认可或​​日期的日期为准,后来虽然被保险人开展了他的正常专业职务或她在新加坡的职业,提供以下所有证明我们的满意度:内30日发生的事故,必须向我们报告感染引起的事故证明;•证明,这起事故涉及的艾滋病毒感染的体液明确来源;在记录事故发生后的180天内发生的证明从艾滋病毒血清转换负HIV阳性。此证明必须包括一个负的事故发生在5天进行爱滋病病毒抗体测试;•艾滋病毒感染的性行为和静脉注射毒品的使用,包括其他任何方式造成被排除只支付被保险人的职业是医生,实习医生,医科学生,国家注册护士,医学实验室技师,牙医(医生和护士)或辅助工作者,工作在医疗中心或诊所(在新加坡)。不适用于根据任一节(a)或(二)已成为治愈前感染。 “治愈”是指任何治疗,使艾滋病毒无效或者非传染性。 27 Benign Brain TumorA benign tumour in the brain where all of the following conditions are met:• It is life threatening;• It has caused damage to the brain;• It has undergone surgical removal or, if inoperable, has caused a permanent neurological deficit; and• Its presence must be confirmed by a neurologist or neurosurgeon and supported by findings on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computerised Tomography, or other reliable imaging techniques.The following are excluded:• Cysts;• Granulomas;• Vascular Malformations;• Haematomas; and• Tumours of the pituitary gland or spinal cord. 27,良性脑肿瘤危及生命;已造成大脑损害;它已经历了手术切除,如果无法使用,造成了永久性的神经功能缺损;它的存在,必须由神经科医师或神经外科医生证实,磁共振成像,计算机断层扫描,或其他可靠的成像技术的研究结果支持。以下是排除:•囊肿;•肉芽肿;•血管畸形;•血肿; 脑垂体或脊髓肿瘤 28 EncephalitisSevere inflammation of brain substance (cerebral hemisphere, brainstem or cerebellum) caused by viral infection and resulting in permanent neurological deficit. This diagnosis must be certified by a consultant neurologist and the permanent neurological deficit must be documented for at least 6 weeks.Encephalitis caused by HIV infection is excluded. 28,脑炎严重的脑实质炎症(大脑半球,脑干或小脑)由病毒感染引起的,造成永久性神经功能缺损。这一诊断必须经过认证,由顾问,神经学家和永久性的神经功能缺损,必须至少6个星期的记录。受艾滋病毒感染引起的脑炎被排除 29 Angioplasty & Other Invasive Treatment For Coronary ArteryThe Limited Advance Payment benefit equal to 10% of the Lump Sum Advance Payment subject to a S$25,000 maximum shall be paid if the Insured actually undergoes balloon angioplasty or similar intra arterial catheter procedure to correct a narrowing of minimum 60% stenosis, of one or more major coronary arteries as shown by angiographic evidence. The revascularisation must be considered medically necessary by a consultant cardiologist.Coronary arteries herein refer to left main stem, left anterior descending, circumflex and right coronary artery.This benefit shall cease upon payment of one Limited Advance Payment.Diagnostic angiography is excluded. 29,冠状动脉腔内成形术及其他微创治疗受保人实际上经历一个或多个主要冠状动脉球囊成形术或类似的内动脉导管程序纠正缩小了至少60%的狭窄,造影证据显示;有限预付款效益等于10%的保额或最高25,000元一笔过预先付款应当支付。必须让医生证明这个是必须的医疗程序。以下简称左主干冠状动脉前降支,回旋和右冠状动脉。血管造影诊断被排除在外。 30 Bacterial MeningitisBacterial infection resulting in severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord resulting in significant, irreversible and permanent neurological deficit. The neurological deficit must persist for at least 6 weeks. This diagnosis must be confirmed by:• The presence of bacterial infection in cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture; and• A consultant neurologist.Bacterial Meningitis in the presence of HIV infection is excluded.30,细菌性脑膜炎细菌感染,导致严重的炎症,造成重大的,不可逆转的和永久性的神经功能缺损的大脑或脊髓膜。必须坚持至少6周的神经功能缺损。这一诊断必须确认:•脑脊液中存在的细菌感染,腰穿;•一个顾问,神经学家。在感染艾滋病毒的存在,细菌性脑膜炎被排除在外。 如有歧义,请以英文为主。

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