
NUS Scholarship 请教

有没有前辈知道NUS每年会颁发多少份NUS Global Merit Scholarship? Thx.没有记错的话,今年的好像已经截至了!这个奖学金申请的条件是什么啊NUS Global Merit Scholarship (NUS’ top tier scholarship) 每年会颁发大约10个。只给新加坡公民。
The NUS Global Merit Scholarship covers:Full subsidy for annual tuition for his/her course of study.A living and book allowance of $6,000.Full subsidy for staying in a double occupancy room in an NUS Hall of Residence* or an accommodation allowance equivalent to the rate for such a room, whichever is applicable.A one-time computer allowance of $2,000 upon enrolment.The University provides for the most economic form of 2 way airfare and accommodation during the Student Exchange Programme or NUS Overseas Colleges ProgrammeRecipients of the scholarship have the option to enrol in the University Scholars Programme or the University Town Residential Programme The NUS Scholar Enrichment Grant will sponsor scholars to participate in local and/or overseas enrichment programmes and activities such as conferences, courses, seminars and workshops that do not form compulsory part(s) of each scholar’s academic programme.  E.g. International Youth Leadership Conference其它奖学金 http://www.nus.edu.sg//oam/scholarships/freshmen/scholarship-freshmen.html
NTU Nanyang Scholarship (NTU’s top tier scholarship) 每年会颁发100多个。在开放日当天,听说今年会给超过150个。不分国籍。
Nanyang Scholarship covers up to the normal programme duration on condition that the scholar maintains a record of good academic performance and conduct satisfactory to the University. Subsidised tuition fees (after Tuition Grant) will be fully coveredLiving allowance of S$6,000 per academic year.Book allowance of S$500 per academic year.Accommodation allowance of up to S$2,000 per academic year.
Applicable to scholars who reside in NTU hostels.^Travel grant of S$5,000 (one-off) *Computer allowance of S$1,500 (one-off).Settling-in allowance of S$250 (one-off).Priority for Overseas Study Programme.No bond is attached to the Nanyang Scholarship apart from the three-year bond applicable to all Singapore PRs and international students under the MOE Tuition Grant Scheme.其它奖学金 http://admissions.ntu.edu.sg/UndergraduateAdmissions/Pages/FreshmenSingaporeSPR.aspx#谢谢开心大侠。孩子很纠结,因为今天就要答复要与不要。NTU的nanyang scholarship很好啊,NTU比NUS有钱。  我要开心  您是htpt?  发表于 25 分钟前


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