我老公刚刚换过,你要带着你的蓝卡和你的现有驾照去UBI的警察总部,在一楼大厅就可以办理。(10 ubi ave 3)
Replacement of Driving Licence
You are required to replace your driving licence if you
misplaced or lost your driving licence
Your licence has been defaced or damaged to the extend the information or photo cannot be read
You have change from a Foreign to a Singapore ID
You have changed your name or other personal information written on the photocard driving licence
Please note that any update of residential address need only be done through the Immigration and Customs Authority (ICA).
Replacement of driving licence has to be done personally at the Traffic Police Department, No.10 Ubi Ave 3 Singapore 408865.
When applying for replacement, please bring along your NRIC/ Passport/ Work pass/ Residence pass and a matt/semi-matt finish passport-size colour photograph with white background. A processing fee of S$25 is required.