
【求推荐】 去国外刷卡,哪种信用卡费用比较低?

如题。 通常的本地的信用卡去美国刷的话,平时积分之类的规则都是不适用的,比如说Manhattan的5%回扣是没有的。 另外,信用卡公司还会多收2.5%左右的外币手续费(这个是在汇率之上加收的)。
有没有人有合适的推荐?比如说不收手续费或者是有积分的?diners club网上购物也有2.5%的手续费,新加坡有没有信用卡可以免这个手续费而且汇率又好的有些酒店是不收这个卡的,只收VISA/MASTER。 不知道有什么其他的可以推荐的?银联卡!!汇率是跟着中行外汇牌价变动的~~我个人觉得是最最划算的汇率,然后也没有手续费那你就用citibank premiermiles visa吧。可以换miles,也可以选择cash back,海外消费的话cash back rate是2%,有2.5%外汇手续费,损失最小。很多 visa 不收手续费,汇率还合算,我用的 DBS VISAUOB 銀聯
貌似银联卡的网站是这样介绍的,可惜的是收这卡的酒店和商家比较少。http://en.unionpay.com/englobali … n/file_3109169.htmlCompared with other bankcard schemes, the currency conversion fee (1%-2% of purchase amount) is not charged by UnionPay. UnionPay will convert the local currency into the equivalent CNY (RMB) amount before debiting the cardholders’ RMB account in the issuing bank.
奇怪的是UOB银联是要收2.5%的。似乎不是这样的。http://www.posb.com.sg/personal/ … lights/default.page
All transactions in foreign currency are subject to a charge imposed by the respective card associations, either as a reimbursement charge representing the charge imposed on us or as a direct charge to you. For foreign charges converted by American Express, American Express applies a conversion factor of 1% to the converted amount.
An administrative fee for services provided or actions taken by us in relation to such foreign currency transactions shall be payable by you and debited to your Card Account. The prevailing administrative fee is 1.5% of the foreign currency transaction amount for transactions involving VISA International and MasterCard International and 2% of the foreign currency transaction amount for transactions involving American Express International, Inc.


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