
Increase in School Fees for Non-Citizens in Government and Government-Aided Scho

教育部的网站 转移过来, 供大家参考。 公民, PR  和 工作准证人士的孩子, 差距进一步扩大。

1The Ministry of Education (MOE) will be revising the school fees for students who are Singapore permanent residents (PR) and international students (IS) in Government and Government-aided schools from January 2016 to further differentiate fees by citizenship. This revision is part of MOE’s periodic review of school fees.  
2School fees will increase by between $20 to $60 per month for students who are PR and by between $20 to $150 per month for IS. School fees for students who are Singapore Citizens will remain unchanged. Please refer to the tables below for the current and revised school fees.
Primary School Fees (Per Month)Nationality20152016Increase$$$SCFreeFree-PR9011020IS(ASEAN)35037020IS50055050Secondary School Fees (Per Month)Nationality20152016Increase$$$SC55-PR12016040IS(ASEAN)450550100IS650800150Pre-University School Fees (Per Month)Nationality20152016Increase$$$SC66-PR16022060IS(ASEAN)700800100IS1,0001,1501503The standard miscellaneous fees will remain unchanged.  Please refer to the current standard miscellaneous fees.




小学, 初中, 高中, 涨学费, 幼儿园也凑热闹。


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