谢谢你的恢复,我想确认一下,应为在新加坡厦门大使馆(https://www.mfa.gov.sg/content/m … rvices/citizen.html)的页面上写的是
引用: Female Singapore citizen by Registration and child born on or after 15 May 2004. Child shall not acquire citizenship of the country he was born by reason of his birth in that country.
谢谢你的恢复,是想确认一下,应为新加坡厦门大使馆页面上写的是引用: Female Singapore citizen by Registration and child born on or after 15 May 2004. Child shall not acquire citizenship of the country he was born by reason of his birth in that country.
然后wikipedia上写的是引用: If the parent from whom the child derives citizenship is a Singaporean citizen by registration, the child will be granted Singaporean citizenship by descent only if they do not acquire citizenship of the country of their birth.
你可以这个方向想: 小孩任何时候都可以有另一个国籍。所以,没问题的。
你看到这段是宪法里面关于SC by descent的要求,你这种情况应该给孩子申请by registration(就是和你自己一样的scheme)。
你既然是在中国生的,需要注意by registration要求提供父母的工作资料,而且是可能悲剧的,所以main sponsor最好在sg交CPF,产假完了赶紧回来,批准之前不要辞职。