
外国人(EP)买的life insurance 可以claim Tax Rebate 吗?


Qualifying for Life Insurance ReliefTo claim this relief for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2018, you must satisfy all these conditions:Your total compulsory employee CPF contribution, self-employed Medisave/Voluntary CPF contribution and voluntary cash contribution to your Medisave account in 2017 was less than $5,000;You paid insurance premiums in 2017 on your own life insurance policy; andThe insurance company must have an office or branch in Singapore if your policies are taken on or after 10 August 1973.
Life Insurance relief cannot be claimed on premiums paid on an accident or health policy that provides for the payment of policy monies on the death of a person.If a married man paid for the life insurance policy for his wife, he may also claim the insurance premiums on his wife’s life insurance policy.

可以 在报税的时候自己申报 会被随机抽查 到时候提供保单相应文件就好



可以的, 注意以下条件 1. 总保额的7%  或者 所交保费, 两者取比较低的那个   
2. 自己本人的 Life Insurance , 或者老公买给老婆的 (反之不可)
3. Life insurace relief + CPF contribution 小于 5000 (所以外国人的Life insurance relief 最多达 5000)

是每年的cpf contributions 还是每个月的和寿险加在一起不能多于$5000?

是每年的cpf contribution不能超过5000,这一点是很多人不满足免税条件的原因。



不是楼上说的那样。对正常非自雇人士来说。1. 5000 Cap 的Tax Relief的cpf是Total employee CPF contribution,不是只是medisave的。所以大多数工作几年的Employee人都会大于5k的。除非Employee CPF这部分小于5k,可以用life insurance凑。这部分不需要自己做啥,iras系统可以自动诊察到你cpf的数字的。life insurance要declare。注意life insurance可以claim的数字是保费数字和(保额*7%数字)的最小值。不包括住院意外险。常见的是term whole life这种。
2. 手动Topup CPF SA/RA可以每年有7000的免税.
3.Top up Medisave 也可以免税,有cap的也。
2,3和上面的第一条的5k cap是没关的。。

别误导, 有时间去读个书, 书名叫 – Taxiation




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