多几天要退房了 房东发消息来说不会把deposit退还给我了,因为根据合约需要住到7月31号。但是早在四月她就跟我说过她要把屋子给卖了,自己要求我们提前一个月搬走的,有聊天记录……这种情况报警有用吗?
心累啊 看过很多黑心屋主的案例没想到自己遇上了。都说新加坡法律保护屋主不保护租客,现在不知该怎么办。希望大家能给点意见
这个是房东的问题呀 又不是你的问题 那应该最后一个月不要交房租才对 押金抵掉
房东哪里肯啊合约有说明不可以用押金抵最后一个月的租金 交房租时也没想到屋主是这种人防不胜防啊……
还没 过几天才搬
What if the Property Owner Ends the Tenancy Prematurely?Unless there are clauses in the Tenancy Agreement that allows the landlord to terminate the rental contract earlier, the tenant has the legal right to continue living in the property until the expiration of the lease. As such, the lessor must properly compensate the tenant if the property owner wants the latter to leave.
If the occupant is wrongful evicted without being duly compensated, the lessee can seek the intervention of the Small Claims Tribunal as long as the lease tenure is two years or below. https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/ … y-terminations-9919
只要租约上写了什么时候到期,到期前你就不用搬(除非租约上写明房东可以提前结束租约)。如果房东一定要让你走,他就要补偿你的损失。把你赶出去可以去小额索偿庭Small Claims Tribunal寻求解决。关于是否可以去小额索偿庭申诉,可以看下面的链接https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/ … ntal-disputes-10109
Before you lodge a claim at the SCT, do keep the following rules in mind:
1. You and the respondent must have entered into a valid tenancy agreement
2. The tenancy agreement signed must be for a residential space only, and not for commercial purposes
3. The tenancy period must not exceed 2 years
4. Both you and the respondent must not be bankrupt or insolvent. You may check for this via the Ministry of Law’s Insolvency Office