理论上不可以! 你们这些乱答得害人不浅!Eligibility Conditions: Flat OwnersCitizenship
Flat owners who wish to sublet their flat must be a Singapore Citizen (SC). Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) flat owners are not allowed to sublet their flat.REF:
出租房间 自己去HDBwebsite register.
出租整套 也去HDBwebsite ask for approval 再 register
两种回复(除特殊理由) 都是不可。
你话不能乱讲! 没一句靠铺! 种族ratio 细则: 这是PR&SC们买房的调配! 跟出租风马牛不及。
hdb 出租的人群是:
Subtenants must be :
a. Singapore citizens; or
b. Singapore permanent residents; or
c. Non-citizens legally residing in Singapore who are holders of Employment Passes, S Passes, Work Permits*, Student Passes, Dependant Passes, or Long-Term Social Visit Passes. These passes must have a validity period of at least 6 months as at the date of subletting application.*Construction workers who are Work Permit holders should be Malaysians.
Immigration status of non-citizen subtenants may be verified using the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority’s iEnquiry website. You may also check the Employment Pass and S Pass validity using MOM’s website.Maximum Number of Subtenants
The maximum number of subtenants allowed in each flat* is: Flat TypeTotal Number of Occupants1-room and 2-room 4 persons3-room6 persons4-room and bigger9 persons* living room, household shelters and utility room cannot be subletTenancy/Property Ownership Status Subtenants must not be tenants/owners of other HDB flats except for :Tenants/owners who are divorced/legally separatedOnly one of the divorced/legally separated parties may be a subtenantOwners who are eligible to sublet their whole HDB flatThey must sublet their own flat within 1 month after having rented a flat from another flat ownerSubtenants must not be owners of Executive Condominium units where the 5-year minimum occupation period has not been met.Subtenants must not be tourists.
Period of SublettingFlat owners are not allowed to sublet the flat on a short term basis. The period of subletting to each subtenant per application must not be less than 6 months.
Maximum Subletting PeriodThe maximum subletting period allowed is three years per application or as indicated in the approval letter, whichever is shorter. However, for subletting involving non-citizen subtenants (excluding Malaysians), the period of subletting per application is 1.5 years or as indicated in the approval letter, whichever is shorter. Non-citizens refer to Singapore Permanent Residents and foreigners. You are required to apply each time you sublet your flats or when you renew the subletting tenancy.
可能有点冲动 但是 一句话, 找官方比较好。邻居家不理jnotice 结果说要收回。。 再买套得耽误 7/8万的ABSD 和 BSD。。。 哎 可怜啊 找议员 人家都不理
This section contains guidelines for subletting of bedrooms. In particular, information provided concerns:Eligibility conditions : Flat ownersNumber of bedrooms and occupants allowed for sublettingEligibility conditions : SubtenantsRegistration of sublettingFailure to RegisterMaximum subletting periodTerms & conditionsOnline registrationEligibility Conditions: Flat Owners1. You are allowed to sublet your bedrooms if you own a 3-room or bigger flat.No prior approval from HDB is required for subletting of the bedrooms. However, flat owners who sublet bedrooms in their HDB flats will have to register with HDB within 7 days of doing so. They are also required to notify HDB when they renew or terminate the subletting of bedrooms, and when there are changes to their subtenants’ particulars.Flat owners must comply with HDB’s subletting rules and regulations.2. Owners of 1 and 2-room flats are not allowed to sublet their bedrooms.Number of Bedrooms and Occupants Allowed for SublettingThe number of bedrooms which flat owners can sublet and the maximum number of occupants* allowed in each flat depends on the flat type as shown below.Flat TypeMaximum Number of Bedrooms#Allowed for SublettingMaximum Number of Occupants*Allowed in Each Flat3-room1 bedroom6 persons4-room2 bedrooms9 persons5-room2 bedrooms9 personsExecutive2 bedrooms9 persons* includes owners, authorised occupants and subtenants# living room, household shelters and utility room cannot be subletEligibility Conditions : SubtenantsCitizenshipSubtenants must be :a. Singapore citizens; orb. Singapore permanent residents; orc. Non-citizens legally residing in Singapore who are holders of Employment Passes, S Passes, Work Permits*, Student Passes, Dependant Passes, or Long-Term Social Visit Passes. These passes must have a validity period of at least 6 months as at the date of subletting application.
没有说PR可以租的? 麻烦给出处? 我搜索了 是
仔细读了下,没说不可以出租房间~ 噢了