
生孩子,CPF 的保健储蓄户头可以怎么用? (知识分享)

MEDISAVE MATERNITY PACKAGEWith the Medisave Maternity Package (MMP), parents can use their Medisave for (i) delivery expenses as well as (ii) pre-delivery medical expenses such as consultations and ultrasound. Under the MMP, you may withdraw up to $450 for each day in the hospital, plus an additional $450 and surgical withdrawal limit depending on the type of delivery procedure you undergo.Please see table below for some examples of how Medisave may be claimed. The amount of Medisave that can be used cannot exceed the actual bill and the withdrawal limit.EXAMPLES OF MEDISAVE CLAIMABLE UNDER THE MEDISAVE MATERNITY PACKAGEDelivery ProcedureNo. of days of HospitalisationMedisave Withdrawal Limit under the Medisave Maternity Package (covers delivery and pre-delivery medical expenses)Example 1:
Vaginal delivery
(normal)3($450 x 3 days) + ($750 for procedure, i.e. vaginal delivery) + $450Total claimable: Up to $2,550Example 2:
Caesarean delivery
(normal)4($450 x 4 days) + ($2,150 for procedure, i.e. caesarean delivery) + $450Total claimable: Up to $4,400Medisave can be used starting from the birth of your first child onwards. For your fifth and subsequent children however, Medisave can only be used if the combined Medisave balance of you and your spouse is at least $15,000 at the time of the delivery. This is to ensure that you have sufficient Medisave for future hospitalisation needs, especially after retirement.Medisave may be used at both public and private hospitals. To claim pre-delivery charges from Medisave, parents just need to present the bills incurred for pre-delivery medical care to the hospital where baby was delivered. The hospital will submit these bills, together with the delivery expenses, for Medisave claims under the Medisave Maternity Package.
For more more information on the MMP and how to submit your claims, please refer to the FAQs on Medisave Maternity PackageMEDISAVE GRANT FOR NEWBORNSTo support parents with their children’s healthcare needs, the Government is creating a Medisave account for each Singaporean newborn who is born on or after 26 Aug 2012Eligible newborns will receive a $3,000 grant in two tranches – the first $1,500 after the registration of their birth, and the remaining $1,500 in the subsequent year, provided that they remain enrolled in MediShield or a Medisave-approved Integrated Shield Plan.   Newborns will receive the Medisave grant automatically after the registration of birth.  Parents do not need to apply for the grant.  This grant can help parents defray the costs of their child’s MediShield premiums, as well as other healthcare expenses such as vaccinations.After the grant has been deposited into the child’s Medisave account, parents will receive a notification letter to inform them of the deposit. Parents of eligible newborns who did not receive the grant can contact CPFB (1800-227 1188 or [email protected]) to enquire.  For more information, please refer to the FAQs on Marriage and ParenthoodFor an overview of the marriage and parenthood schemes, please visit the Marriage and Parenthood Schemes Website MEDISHIELD COVERAGE FOR CONGENITAL AND NEONATAL CONDITIONSMediShield will be extended to cover newly diagnosed congenital and neonatal conditions from 1 March 2013.With the extension, all Singapore Citizens born on or after 1 March 2013 will be automatically extended a cover under MediShield from birth without having to be assessed for pre-existing conditions, so long as their parents do not opt them out. Coverage will be extended to all eligible newborns following the registration of birth. All existing policyholders will also automatically receive coverage for any congenital condition diagnosed on or after 1 March 2013. Please note that Medisave can be used to pay for MediShield premiums. (see Medisave grant for newborns in previous section) For more information, please refer to the FAQs on Marriage and Parenthood For an overview of the 2013 MediShield enhancements, please refer to MOH’s press release.
For an overview of the marriage and parenthood schemes, please visit the Marriage and Parenthood Schemes Website PROVIDING SUPPORT FOR CONCEPTION MEDISAVE FOR ASSISTED CONCEPTION PROCEDURESTo help couples better afford the cost of treatment for Assisted Conception Procedures (ACP), you may withdraw $6,000, $5,000 and $4,000 from Medisave for the first, second and third treatment cycles respectively.Withdrawal limits are set on Medisave withdrawals to ensure that Medisave monies are not prematurely depleted since Medisave is primarily meant for hospitalisation and the bulk of healthcare cost will likely take place towards the end of a person’s life.
For more information, please refer to the FAQs on Marriage and ParenthoodGOVERNMENT CO-FUNDING SCHEME FOR ASSISTED REPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY TREATMENTS AT PUBLIC HOSPITALS With the median age at first marriage and first birth rising, there is an increasing number of couples who need medical help in conceiving. Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) treatments such as in-vitro fertilisation may be able to help these couples.ART treatments are clinical and laboratory techniques that involve the mixing of eggs and sperms outside the body to enhance fertility. Couples with difficulties conceiving should try to seek such treatments early, as the success rate of ART is likely to fall with age. Such treatment can also be very costly.Eligible couples seeking ART treatment in public hospitals will now receive up to 75% in co-funding from the Government for ART treatment cycles, for a maximum of 3 fresh and 3 frozen ART cycles.  This will start from 1 Jan 2013.For more information,  please refer to the FAQs on Co-fund for Assisted Reproduction Technology at Restructured Hospitals


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