如果由Advanced Diploma 的文凭,但没有工作经验, 公司愿意帮忙申请EP 是否有可能申请到EP? EP对于学历是否有什么要求? 谢谢
如果由Advanced Diploma 的文凭,但没有工作经验, 公司愿意帮忙申请EP 是否有可能申请到EP? EP对于学历是否有什么要求? 谢谢P1/P2当然是不可能的. 拿EP(Q1)的可能性很小除非工资很高,基本上是SP. Q1 Pass – For foreigners whose monthly basic salary are more than S$2,500 and possess recognised qualifications.Compensatory factors such as skills and years of experience may be taken into consideration for Q1 applications. To check if you qualify for an Employment Pass, please take the Employment Pass Self-Assessment Test. S Pass (A new category of Work Pass which replaces the Q2 Pass)- For foreigners whose monthly basic salary is at least S$1,800. S Pass applicants will be assessed on a points system, taking into account multiple criteria including salary, education qualifications, skills, job type and work experience. A levy of S$50 per month will apply and there will be a 5% cap on the number of S Pass holders in each company based on the company’s number of local workers and Work Permit holders.
请望月犀牛兄,请问本地私人学校的Advance Diploma 可以申请SP吗………?