

是的,孩子是学习的主体,但是没有正确的引导,孩子有自主向上的动力吗,试想一个整天玩乐的家庭,孩子会积极学习吗?可能露露XD的孩子是天才,从来都是自动自发,我们家孩子的优点就是听妈妈的话,所以我这个做妈妈的希望能帮到自己的孩子。有点好奇, 数学和历史怎么会是同一个老师教?  这所中学的师资力量有点差强人意。。。理解您的担忧。 其实您已经找到了答案  — 那就是“靠自己”。
快捷课程的参考资料很容易在书店里找到, O-level的考题和复习资料更是比比皆是。 您可以尝试和他一起学习, 帮助他尽快建立起良好的学习习惯,用参考书和模拟考试题来测试他的理解程度, 然后再有针对性地帮他解决学习中遇到的问题。
最近我看到一位中国家长写给博理中学的感谢信, 很有感触。 这位家长的女儿在国内是成绩不太好的学生, 中三才来到新加坡, 短短两年里面就凭自己(当然还有老师家长的)努力成为博理中学成绩最好的学生,后来O-level考到了9科特忧的好成绩。上个星期这个女孩终于得偿所愿,被莱佛士书院录取了。
更让我们欣慰的是,孩子好成绩的取得是来自正确的学习态度,来自日积月累的坚持,来自永不放弃的精神。两年的时间内,她同样取得了CCA A2的好成绩。
谢谢Mrs Cheah Yip Lin!我们见过的最有爱心的老师,作为孩子的班主任和英文老师,她的鼓励和无微不至的关怀让孩子不断地告诉自己:“Yes,I can !”
谢谢数学Ms Joanna Chong!她不仅是优秀的数学老师,更是孩子全方位的指导员!
谢谢化学Mrs Koh Sok Kiang!孩子在中国没有开过化学课,即使是周末,她也提供宝贵的休息时间为孩子辅导答疑……。
谢谢生物Mr Dominic Loh Zhi Xiong!从美国留学归来的他,教给了孩子开放式的学习思维及宝贵的动手能力!
谢谢物理Mrs Wong AiRin!她不仅物理教得很棒,更分享给孩子她自己求学时奋斗的历程!
谢谢地理Ms Vera Low!她告诉孩子文科不是通常认为的死记硬背,独立思考和创新才是最重要的,结果证明,she is absolutely right !
谢谢社会教育Mrs Lim Teck Kee!开放题在新加坡是最难教的,但她帮助孩子一步一步建立逻辑思维,让xx茅塞顿开!
谢谢英文老师和年级主任Mrs Genevieve Hoe!她不仅是优秀的英文老师,更是优秀的心理学老师,她的严厉和一丝不苟,让孩子不断的起跳冲刺,终于摘到了完美的果实!
谢谢老校长Ms Chamb,老副校长Mrs Ang ,副校长Mr Tay,我们到学校参加每一次家长会,参加每一次活动,和你们家人般的交流,让我们坚信,孩子有幸在博理中学读书,将来一定会博学明理!
要感谢的人太多太多,Ms Hajar,Mr Tan and Mrs Tan,Ms Lee,Ms Pay,Mr Wum,Ms Diyanah,Ms Ng,Mrs Tan,Ms Thiru……,他们不是孩子的科任老师,但他们从来就不吝啬于对孩子们的帮助!
看到这个女孩的事迹, 我们可能会开始相信”奇迹“了,虽然它不常发生 。 。。
奇迹是怎样发生的呢? 这个女孩在博客上告诉了我们她这两年做了些什么, 您可以让孩子读一读:Recall “O” Level life in BHSS
I will never forget my “O” Level days! When I was in Sec 3, I studied like mad.I was like a babe in the forest.There the obstacles were but I knew not how to go around them.Nobody gave me any advice. Since the AEIS started only in 2008 and I took it in 2010,there weren’t many people who shared my plight. So I had to cultivate my own path.Luckily,my parents were with me during these 2 years. Their advice and meticulous care in all aspects aided me in my strife. Now, I am ready to put a finishing touch to my “O” Level stage.I hope this article will serve as a fitting closure to my two years of toil.
    When I took the AEIS,it was in the middle of October.  The new school term starts in January so I had a plenty of time to do whatever I wanted.First of all,I learned from my previous experiences that in order to succeed,one must win from the beginning.I took the Bridging Course in a private tuition school called xxxx. From retrospective view, I do not advice anybody in my situation to go for such a course because it is very costly and not effective. The teachers just asked you to buy the textbooks and that’s it.You mostly have to self’-study.Not that the teachers were irresponsible but that there are many different kinds of students.Most of the students came from wealthy families and they hardly study hard. They do not pay attention during the lessons and so the teacher had to give up teaching all together.As such,I advice people not to enrol in such courses.Instead, they’d better buy the textbooks in POPULAR bookstore and study on their own.I believe it is much more cost-effective.
   I planned to preview my lessons. I took pains to preview Chemistry,Physics and Math especially.I already knew everything I gonna learn in the first term before the school started.Later,when I went to BHSS,I was indeed the first in Mathematics,Chemistry and Physics.I started working hard on A Math too.Everyday,I went after the A math teacher,Ms Chong and asked for more papers to do.Then I realized my Biology was bad.I could not understand what the teacher said at all!!The technical terms were especially jarring!I had to review Biology too.I read the textbook again and again.I never translated anything from English to Chinese because it isn’t a good habit.I just read it and highlighted words I could not understand and check Collins Dictionary.I can declare that I’ve read the textbook more than 20 times.I could literally tell you what are the points on what page.With hard work and determination, I topped Biology in the Mid-year Examinations in the first year and had since then topped Biology permanently.Then my Geography became jeopardized.I could not get many of the things and got only 12/18 for the first test.The class I went to was the second band.I was distributed by mistake to the worst class.I apealed to the level head and was transferred to the first class after a while.In order to make up for the lessons I’ve missed during my stay in the second class,I went to photocopy every note and homework and re-did all and handed in to my new teacher for marking.I read the textbook at least 10 times and asked numerous questions everyday after the lessons.I was always the last to return to my class after the Elective Geography lessons.I even did my own maps and mind-maps and notes.In mid-year examinations,I topped Geography together with Chee Yang,the second top student in my school this year for the “O” levels.Then the first half year finished.I really had trouble grappling with English and Social Studies.I had not the least idea how to study these subjects.In the third and fourth term,I focused even more on the three sciences.I researched online and on various study websites to inquire more than was given in the textbooks.In retrospective view,it was stupid because I didn’t work hard on English which was more important than everything else added up together.I only read a few novels and wrote compositions but compared to what my SM1 friend does,my work was meagre.I improved from E8 to C5 in the first half year and from C5 to B3 at the end of one year.Social Studies was horrible!I got only 33/50 for End of Year Exam.I did not grasp how to study the subject at all.At the end of the first year,I got 8A1s and English B3.L1 R5:6.I was ranked first in the level of 113.
    My social studies improved greatly after receiving help from a friend who was older than me and who graduated from  one of the top schools.She made some notes for Social Studies and gave them all to me.Her notes started my true understanding of the subject.I learned to get key points for the essay.I learned to highlight the links which were essential and which had to be related to the topic sentence.I learned that source-based questions had a layering,etc.When the new term started,I got a new teacher too.Mrs Lim Teck Kee was a very fantastic teacher!!She taught us that cross-referencing was always the second highest or even the highest level in reliability and utility SBQ.She specialised in teaching SBQs and I improved like an accelerating train.
    In mid-year examination,I got 41/50 for SS and I topped the subject.
   Now,since sec 4,I began to understand that I made a huge mistake in ignoring English.I began a campaign of memorizing 20 words every day and memorizing 20 idioms too.I memorized stories to use in Argumentative but eventually,I found it not very useful.I even went on to memorize pithy statements.But I don’t think it was useful for I got B3 in Mid year examinations as usual.I was ranked 4th out of 101 students.(some students in my school retained)So for mid-year in sec 4,I got 8A1s and 1 B3 again.L1R5:6.Rank:1st in the level.
    After that,I grew desperate and stared working like mad!I felt so pressurized!In the June Holidays,I never rested for even one day.(P.s.I never rested anyway for all my holidays ever since I came to Singapore.All the holidays were spent previewing the lessons…:(
     I read Straits Times from 6am to 11pm without interruption.I persisted for 15 days after which I was banded to Band A.The new teacher was very stringent.She pushed me to soar higher and higher to achieve higher levels of thinking.I was very stressed!Then my essays got stuck at A2.I never could get A1 in my essays for whatever reasons.I wrote 1 essay every day.I handed in a total of about 50 pieces of essay and the teacher grew quite desperate because of them.Haha.I tried to sleep only 6 hours for one month but at the end of the one month,I almost fainted while I was walking and my teachers were concerned about my health.They said I looked like a dead person.I gave up working into the night.Instead,I raised efficiency during the day.I treasured every second I had,taking in as much knowledge as I could.I read National Geographics like mad and managed to finish 15 issues before prelim.Then I started being utilitarian.I began doing papers like mad.I did my Topical TYS(Ten Year Series,a book that has all the past questions from the “O” Level exam papers in the last ten years)at least 5 times.I did the yearly TYS too and cleared every question I had and made notes on all of them.That was not enough.I bought papers from vendures.The papers were from the best schools in Singapore like Chung Cheng High,Bukit Panjang Government High,Cedar Girls….I did them all and begged more from my teachers.My file for every single subject measured about 10 centimetres.When the “O” Levels finished,a rubbish bin of the size 1 cubic metre was filled to the brim with my used papers.
I studied so hard that I literally could not open my eyes during the Math lessons because everything was blur.I got 8A1s and A2 for English in my Prelim.My English was ranked first in the level.My comprehension was A1 but my Compo was done very badly. Also,to prepare for my Oral Exam,I listened to the Bookworm series.(书虫牛津英汉双语读物)I imitated its tones.So I studied from 6am to 11 pm and during my ten minute breaks,I listened to the English recordings.Once I fell on the bed,I fell asleep within one minute.My Oral was always A2 also.I was so vexed!!!I thought I spoke very fluently but somehow,I got only A2!!!Of course,I was graded by the ultra-strict teacher who taught me.
   Then there were three weeks before the “O” levels during which I did not have to attend the lessons cause I scored everything distinction.I asked questions like mad and cleared all of them.Then I took tuition with Geography teacher every day for one hour cause I got only 37.5 out of 50 for Geography for Prelim.For SS,I got 41/50 as usual.English tuition was daily too.When I went for the exams,I felt pacified cause I knew I tried my very very very best and whatever will come will come.I am prepared for any results.You know,I doubted whether I could do well or not cause my school ranking was not that good and I thought maybe I would not get such good results in the real exams.So this is all about my “O” Level life.Almost every detail is included in this article.I gonna forget about the past and start anew.This is only a small phase in my life and I’ve got over it.It is all behind me.The journey is still long.Hard work is still in necessity.  Let us hope for the best and may God bless me!
These are some of thedocuments I used for “O” LevelThis is my own Bio “Textbook”. I wroteeverything in my own words and drew pictures and tables。
天道酬勤, 一分耕耘,一分收获。。。


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