Hi Dear All,
Just heard from one PR that Form4A is better to be typed in, rather than writing down. It will be nicer and clearer for viewing.
What do you guys think about that?? Is it necessary?Thanks a lot~手写。没空打字,也对不齐。I got enough time and software to type in. so will type-in be nicer? :Dhave to?可以啊,我是打字。。。打印出来签名,比较规整。。。整洁就好,不强求手写还是打字,你条件好就是草体字也批准,关键是自身条件,手写还是打字不必纠结。对,不必纠结个人觉得, 这样是不自信的表现
还是手写吧agree with you. maybe that is girl’s style….thanks a lot for all your comments and suggestions! :):hug:
PR Application Form4A, hand writing or type in???