BY George Mathew
The Singapore Government’s recent move to tighten the labour force and make work passes scarce means every businessperson needs to be smart when applying for work passes.
There are several reasons why an application may be rejected. The application may have a technical error, or perhaps the company and / or candidate have not been clearly explained.
Here are 14 principles to increase the chances of securing an employment pass application the first time.
Right designation. Don’t short sell the candidate. Choose a title that accurately reflects the seniority of the candidate. If the candidate is in operations, are they the ‘director of operations’, and not ‘operations manager’?
Experience matters. The candidate should have different experience or skill-sets not available in the local job market. Their CV should list similar positions held before. Include with the application a copy of the job description.
Degree holder. It is preferable if the candidate is a degree holder. However for most industries, experience plays a bigger role. Candidates who obtained qualifications from a Singapore institution have an advantage.
Relevant references. In cases where a degree or formal qualifications are not held, references written from prominent companies validating the experience of the candidate hold sway.
Right salary. Since 1 December 2012, EPs and other work passes require a greater base salary. A salary below the bar will get you a quick rejection. The salary should not compete with local talent, which is why it priced higher.
Nationality. As defined by the ICA, candidates from tier one countries (including USA, Australia, Europe and Malaysia) are easier to secure an EP.
Existing EP holder. We discovered employees who are EP holders, have higher chances of obtaining a new EP from a new employer.
Company structure. Companies operating successfully for longer than three years have an advantage over startups. New companies can benefit from having a large paid up capital to demonstrate to MOM they have liquidity to pay salaries.
Profile building. If it is the company’s first time applying for a pass, include a copy of the business plan to build the profile of the company.
Niche industry. Some industries are easier to hire foreign talent than others. Tech startups are an example of a sector which we have seen fast approvals of EP applications.
Appeals. It is very likely you will need to file one appeal. Plan this with the candidate and have a backup plan should things go wrong. You have 30 days to file the appeal.
Past rejections. A candidate with a history of rejected EP applications, has a lower chance in the future of securing an application. It is so important to get the application correct the first time.
Quotas. S-Passes have strict quotas – four Singaporeans to one foreigner. EPs are free of quota restrictions.
Right work pass. EPs and PEPs are among the two most popular work passes for professionals. However a Letter of Consent or a Business Visa are easier to apply for and may suffice.good