Categories: 准证

各位前辈,有人了解 PEP (Personalised Employment Pass) 吗?谢过先

本菜鸟目前外派在伦敦工作,考虑到国内物价飞涨,存在诸多不稳定因素,期满后想来新加坡混个 PR ,看到目前除了 P/Q/S Pass 之外还有 Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) ,主要是可以不需依托在雇主下的工资准证。看了下我应该符合 PEP 的各项要求,可以申请 PEP。想问下有前辈申请过 PEP 吗?另外 PEP 允许持有人可以最多 6 个月处于失业状态而不需要离开新加坡,想问下有人知道是不是我必须在申请 PEP 得到批准后的 6 个月内从伦敦到新加坡,并且在新加坡找到工作?万分感激 ^^

回复 须藤透 的帖子


回复 kasha0505 的帖子

好像不是 EPEC  。。。

你现在是什么 P1/Q1? P1要连续在新加坡工作2年 Q1要五年 不过这种准证只是一次性的 五年 过了五年你还不是PR的话 就得要重新申请你的工作准证(不是renew 而是重新申请)

回复 allenyu1981 的帖子

谢谢。我都不是,目前我在伦敦一家公司从事并购咨询工作,有 6 年多工作经验。月薪折合可以满足 PEP 要求的不低于 7 千新币的要求,我们公司在新加坡有分公司,而且找到类似的工作应该也不难。我知道这种准证是一次有效五年,可以不和雇主挂钩,允许失业 6 个月。我就是想问下有人知道是不是我申请一旦批准,我必须六个月内从伦敦到新加坡并找到工作(或者是转到新加坡分公司)?还是说以我入境新加坡起的六个月内要找到工作?


Overseas foreign professional whose last drawn fixed monthly salary overseas was at least $7,000
The last drawn fixed monthly salary overseas should be no more than six months from the time of the application.

Former P1 Pass holders who are residing overseas
Former P1 Pass holders should not be unemployed for longer than a continuous period of six months at the point of application.

P1 Pass holders

P2 Pass holders
P2 Pass holders that have worked on a P2 pass in Singapore for at least two years. They should have earned a fixed salary of at least $30,000 in the preceding year.

Q1 Pass holders
Q1 Pass holders that have worked on a Q1 pass in Singapore for at least five years. They should have earned a fixed salary of at least $30,000 in the preceding year.



回复 taotaofeng 的帖子


ps 为啥要有一小时只能发一个贴的限制那 。。。。

回复 须藤透 的帖子

This is a special kind of EP, so you must get an employment first, and this job skills must be special (according to govt’s own criteria lah).

It will valid for 5 yrs and you could freely change employer (special jobs), no need to apply for another EP.

During this 5 yrs, you have 6 months to find another job (again, special jobs), if you resign or lose the current job.

Normal EP is tied to the current employer and you have to apply for another one when changing jobs. And, if you lose the job, you have only 14 days to prepare to leave Singapore


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