blk632,yishun st61,杨氏西药房
blk 417 有一间, OOI BABY & CHILDREN CLINIC. 去打过一次预防针。
Fu Kang TCM Medical Services Pte Ltd
Chinese Tuina Massage in Singapore
Pediatric Massage Therapy —— true green
原理:以中医理论为指导,用医师的手作用于小儿身体上的穴位。Principle: the Chinese medicine theory, the hand with the role of physicians in pediatric acupuncture points on the body
特点:不吃药、不打针、无痛苦、无毒副作用,疗效明显。Features: not to take medicines injections, no pain, no side effects evident.
适合年龄:十二周岁以下的儿童。Age: Children under the age of twelve
适应症:发热、腹泻、咳嗽、小儿营养不良、遗尿、便秘、呕吐、厌食、夜啼、腹痛、流涎。Indications: fever, diarrhea, cough, malnutrition in children, enuresis, constipation, vomiting, anorexia, Yeti, abdominal pain, drooling
蔡(Cai)医师(女,南京中医大结业,中国国家级中医推拿师),在中国江苏三甲医院从事临床多年. Job: (Cai) Dr (female, large wind Nanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese National Massage Maste
Blk 846 Yishun Ring Road #09-3625 卡迪地铁(过天桥)步行2分钟 Khatib Metro (footbridge) 2 minute walk
Opposite of Khatib thd 2nd level of the shoe shop
Tel:62571062 HP:82532677
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