

l This In-Principle Approval letter
l The pass holder’s original passport/travel document
l The completed medical examination form
lThe original and completed Declaration Form duly signed by the pass holder, local Employer/Sponsor and if applicable, the Third Party user who submitted the application on behalf of the local employer/sponsor
l 1 clear photocopy of each of the Education Certificate (with official English translation) as shown in the Declaration Form. The pass holder
is required to endorse his/her signature in person on the education certificate confirming ownership and authenticity, in the presence of the
counter officer at the Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC) / Work Pass Services Centre (WPSC)
l Clear photocopies of the Certificate of Graduation and Degree Certificate for degree qualifications awarded in the People’s Republic of China
l Foreigners who are currently holding an Employment Pass, S Pass or Training Employment Pass and/or related pass(es) (Dependant’s or
Long Term Visit Pass) and wish to change employer or pass type, are required to get their employer/ to cancel their current work pass
and/or related pass(es) via EP Online before they can proceed with issuance of their Pass
l For change of employer, Pass holder who is currently holding a Work Permit has to ensure that the Work Permit is cancelled via WP Online
before he/she can collect his/her Employment/ S Pass




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