
Resale HDB flat prices to drop?

Prices of resale flats could change in the coming months as 50,000 newly-built flats are handed over to their owners, said National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan.
At a recent dialogue session, he noted that the government has indirect influence on home prices even if buyers and sellers are the ones who set the trends.
Attended by over 40 participants, the dialogue focused on housing issues, reported My Paper.
Mr Khaw also clarified his previous comments on the executive condominium (EC) scheme, stating that they were wrongly reported. He said that it was not about the money EC owners could make when selling their properties, but the subsidy they get from the government as compared to other new flat buyers.
He explained that even if EC units are bought from developers, the land is still from the government, restricting them to build ECs and not private condominiums.
“This market subsidy, compared to the subsidy given to someone who buys a (new non-EC) three- or four-room flat, is much more,” said Mr Khaw, adding that it would be unfair if a higher-earning EC buyer receives a larger subsidy compared to someone who earns less and purchases a new non-EC flat.
Separately, the Minister also visited two HDB blocks in his constituency to distribute dengue-prevention leaflets in line with on-going awareness against the problem
许爷爷又要有新政了??国家发展部的存在已经是在赤裸裸的威胁到老百姓的财富了哟。。。Khaw Boon Wan是许文远啊??我没搞清楚, 许爷爷说的EC SUBSIDY 高是指绝对数值高哇? 还是百分比?it is not the subsidy to EC is too much, but the subsidy to HDB flat is too little…
现在是东打一耙西打一耙, 就是为了告诉大家, 你们想到的我们都想到了, 又或者没有政策, 是有原因的。
对选民的交代就是, 你们关心的问题我们考虑了,正在想办法解决。
现在的这个问题不是subsidy问题, 其实也不是房子太贵, 而是本地人的感受问题, 觉得自己应该有的被外人分享了。 再多的政策也只是头痛医头脚痛医脚, 大家还是会找更多的攻击口。哎,许爷爷要是也管理国库就好了,公开市场的让人家去投资投机,爱干嘛就干嘛,政府多出点钱补贴他自己的人民,这样会不会问题迎刃而解,皆大欢喜?理想是美好滴,现实,是鸡肋+骨感滴。。。


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