金融软件公司,主要业务是投资银行软件系统开发,因为业务扩展,需要两名懂java 的开发人员
要求如下:Requirements: Having good knowledge in Java, J2EE (JSP,JDBC etc)Experience in Struts 2, Spring, Hibernate, Ajax, is a mustHaving experience in MS SQL and Oracle is a Plus.Experience in design, database application, user interfaces, web application and integration testingAt least 3 year relevant working experience in development and implementShould be familiar with all phases of SDLCGood analytical thinking & communication skillGood attitude and Able to work well in a team or independentlyWilling to travel oversea(China/Indonesia) Be able to read and write in mandarinOnly Singaporean and PR need to applyIf you’reinterested in building a career in financial software company , please send us your resume attached with the latest photo,current and expected salary to :[email protected], [email protected]
招聘:Java Analyst Programmer/ Java Engineer