
【房屋】为什么Casa Merah 属于 Apartment,而不是Condo啊?

对于 Casa Merah 的兴趣强烈上升,不过在URA 的网站上 突然发现

Casa Merah 属于 Apartment 而不是Condo
有买过的朋友知道为什么吗? 有什么区别么?


不知道 不过对这个房子也有兴趣 不知道房子卖的怎样了

apart 和condo没有什么太大的区别(在买卖上面,没有对外国人有任何的限制)。

只是如果是condo它的占地面积一定要大过4000m2. 而且房子也房子之间的距离也有一定的标准。condo也是有一定的设施必须有的。

casa merah还真没有研究过为什么是apart.

1# cat19bear

不一定吧,URA网站上查到8月成交的一个单位 Brighton View, 总共可能20来户,只有1个小小游泳池,健身房网球场都没有,还是walkup, 居然被归为Condominium。而Melville Park 这种1000多户,全设施的居然是apartment。费解啊。有行家可以说说吗?

我也奇怪casa merah在网上怎么不叫cando。
啥设施都有啊 …


The two major differences between the two is an Apartment building carries a single deed of trust that encompasses the properties as a whole.

A condominium carries an individual deed of trust for each unit. It is totally possible for a single purchaser to own every unit in a condominium developement and opperate it in the same manner as an apartment developement.

Often times, a developer will purchase an apartment building and convert the individual units to condominiums by bringing them up to city code and offering them for sale.

What really sets condo ownership apart from other types of ownership is you will not own a specific area of land, instead, you will own a percentage of the land as a whole. For example, .72% of the total land area plus .72% of all improvements and areas considered “common area” those places, clubhouse, pool, etc… that are available to all owners and their guests.


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